It's three years since I last judged this breed and I'd hoped to find some improvement in front construction and movement but there is obviously still some way to go based on this entry. The Deerhound should be a hard-conditioned hunting dog whose build, to quote the standard, 'suggests the unique combination of speed and power and endurance necessary to bring down a stag.' For this reason I feel I must comment on the lack of fitness in a number of exhibits shown under me today. I really regret to say that many were lacking body and muscle and therefore could not be described as 'fit for purpose'. Lack of muscle tone contributes to weakness in neck, shoulders and rear quarters and consequently has a detrimental affect on movement and is an indication of insufficient exercise. On the plus side, ears were generally typical and mouths OK throughout, but where are all the 'good broad forearms, drooping hindquarters with the great length from hip to hock and the long tails thick at the root'? Having got that off my chest, I have to say my winners were in excellent condition and the bitches were superior in conformation to the dogs.
PD (1) 1. Peach's Elnkayvee Fog on the Tyne.A very promising pup of 7 months.Attractive head with dark eyes and good ears. Has a correct front with good bone, straight forelegs, good topline, well angulated behind with a good width of thigh and low hocks.Moved truly both front and rear. Should do well. BPIB
JD (2)A disappointing pair. 1. Cumming's Stainlonan Luther. The more curvaceous of the two and moving fairly well in side gait.Shoulders could be better laid but he has good rear angles. Light in condition and needs to mature in body. 2.De Bolla's Regalflight Mithras. Completely different type, heavier built throughout.I found him too broad in skull and rather upright in shoulder. Lacks arch over the loin and would benefit from more rear angulation. Not covering the ground as well as the winner.
GD (8.1) 1.Taylor's Kilbourne James Dene.Liked his outline and balanced construction. OK in head but a bit light in eye. Has good ears, length of neck and lay back of shoulder.Was well ribbed back and had strong quarters with low hocks.A sound mover.2. Seymour-Jackson's Ghiltan Hero.Very good for type with a lovely head and eye, good deep ribs, good substance for his size.He was well muscled and had nice low hocks.In good coat and condition.Moved well in front but preferred winner behind 3.Hawkins' Kwaricott Asclepius.
PGD (6)1.Piggott's Greyzicon Blythe Spirit.3 year old mature dog with a good outline. Lovely head with dark eye and soft expression.Good bone and feet.Very nice deep body with good flowing topline leading to well angulated quarters.He moved well with an easy stride, just a bit close behind.Presented in good coat and condition. 2.Francis & Blatchford's Cloweswood Acer of Peopleton. Very pleasing young dog with a good shoulder, true front and excellent feet. Carries a good crisp coat. Tail could be thicker and longer but the whole dog overall was well balanced and typical.Moved well in front but he also was close behind. Looked OK in profile.3.Shannon's Erewhon Dambuster.
LD (7) 1.Trotman & Dockree's Regalflight Princequillo of Penherald.Liked his size and type.Handsome male with a good outline well furnished with typical coat. Has a good neck, Ok in shoulder, good depth of chest and well ribbed back.I liked his flowing topline with good fallaway to the rear and low hocks. An easy free mover covering the ground well in profile and exhibiting a decent width between the hocks when going away. Elbows could be tighter. 2.Peach's Kilbourne Firechief. Lots to like about this dog also and it was a close decision between the two. Preferred the head and expression of the winner and also he moved with greater purpose on the day.This boy could have made more of himself as he has a lovely true front, good substance for his size, a super neck and shoulders, good rear with low hocks and looked well in profile movement. 3.Girling's Pyefleet Gwilliam.
OD (4)1 Phillips & Peach's Wild West von der Oelmuehle.Handsome male with a good head, dark eyes and soft expression. Has a strong neck leading to well laid shoulders, a good depth of chest with adequate spring of rib, strong topline and arched loin.Has very good quarters which were well muscled and had a good bend of stifle and low hocks.Moved very well both out and back and in profile showed reach and drive and a nice easy gait. Well handled and presented in good coat. CC and BOB. 2. Helps' Greyfriars Gille of Beardswood.Stronger type of dog but still fitting the standard well. Has a lovely dark eye and soft neat ears but lacks a bit of face furnishing. Liked his strong neck, good front construction, deep body and well muscled rear.Carries an excellent harsh dense coat and is a sound mover. Res.CC. 3 Rhodes & Morton's Ch Gentom Peacemaker.
PB (2) 1.Cocks' Bradleyabbi Rainich. The more mature of the two puppies here. Has a pleasing head, good neck, flowing topline and good width of thigh.Stands over plenty ground. Her feet need attention and she was all over the place in this class on the move but nevertheless has some potential.Settled and moved much better in the challenge but lacking coat and furnishings at the moment.2 Christian & Barter's Ehlaradawn Kalseru.Very much the baby at her first show and behaving very well, although a bit overawed.Lovely type with a pretty head and dark eye,good bone and feet. Very immature in body as one would expect but moved OK. Good dense thick coat typical of a puppy.
JB (4) 1. Taylor's Brackenland Tan to Kilbourne. A very nice bitch of good substance.Head typical but could be a shade darker in eye. Excellent neck and shoulder, true front, good depth and ribbing for her age, strong and well muscled rear with good feet.Has correct low hocks and although she moved a shade close both front and rear, had a very nice effortless side gait. 2. Trotman's Stainlonan Kulang of Penherald.Very attractive bitch, elegant in outline and with good wide quarters and low hocks.Not as good in shoulder as the winner but has a slightly better topline and also moves with an easy action. 3. Stuart & Holt's Regalflight Blizzard at Ollandsheart.
GB (6.2) 1.Peach's Kilbourne Teine.Another very good bitch from this kennel. Has a good head, neat ears, excellent neck and good shoulders. Good substance for her size with strong legs and good feet. Good depth and spring of rib, good topline and low hocks.A very nice sound mover.2.Phillips Ghiltan Harvest for Ladygrove. Good type with pleasing head, good eye and expression, good depth of chest, strong loin, good rear and low hocks. Covered the ground easily on the move.3. Morgan's Ladygrove Calamity Jane at Amiro.
PGB (5.2) 1. Hird's Cloweswood Scilla.Built on flowing lines, she has a beautiful head, neck and shoulders. Super front with fill across the chest neither to wide nor too narrow, a good length of ribbing, lovely width of thigh.She was in excellent condition and well muscled so it was disappointing that she moved so close behind. In spite of this failing, she had so many virtues sadly lacking in much of the entry, that I felt she deserved her first place.2 Helps' Beardswood Octavia. Out of a larger mould but also good for type.Preferred winner in head and forehand.She is good in neck and OK in shoulders, has a good deep body and strong rear. In good coat and condition. Also moved rather close behind.3. Bunce's Packway Starting Price at Pantawick.
LB (9.1)1. Peach's Witch Way to Kilbourne.Beautiful bitch in stance and on the move keeping her super outline. She is really feminine but strong and well muscled throughout. Has a lovely head and soft expression, true front with good tight feet, good topline with rise over the loin, a good bend of stifle and hocks well let down and good tail. Moved very well with good reach in front. Well presented in correct ragged coat. Just lacked enthusiasm in the challenge and allowed the dog to out-move her. A well deserved CC. 2. Girling's Pyefleet Rokesby. Very nice type, strong and well coated. A shade strong in head for my preference but a well constructed bitch with a good reach of neck, good shoulders, front and feet.Has a good topline and slope of croup, a good bend of stifle and low hocks.Lovely long thick tail. Moved well out and back and covered the ground well in profile. Res. CC 3. Bond's Regalflight Moth.
OB (5.2) 1. Owen & Brodie's Ch Marandike Ebonys Choice to Wolfcastle.She has a beautiful head and expression, dark eyes and neat ears. I liked her neck, good front, correct spring of rib, deep chest and good rear angulation. Would like a tad more length of leg as she appeared rather long in proportion to her height, but which made for a good ground covering stride in profile. Shown and handled very well and presented in super coat and condition. A worthy champion.2.Janson's Greyflax Lady of the Lake to Nixophel. Nice for size and type. Feminine head, good topline and rear with low hocks.OK in bone and feet. Carrying a bit of weight over the loin today but going well round the ring.3. Shannon's Lealla Joka.
E. Anne Macdonald